Universidad de Alicante
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

Accesibilidad Web


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¿Por qué no se implementa la accesibilidad web?

La gente argumenta múltiples razones para NO hacer un sitio web accesible, algunas son:

Creo que esto revela o confirma un poco, cuando en PUXL Accessibility definimos las tres D de la no accesibilidad: desconocimiento, descuido y desidia.

Fuente: Episodio 011 Especial Navidad: Informe de accesibilidad de las páginas de la administración

All things considered, it is quite understandable to me that a developer would want to put their fingers in their ears and pretend that none of this has happened at all, that they are still very clever and awesome. That the one "expert" telling you that you did it wrong is just one person. And one person is easy to ignore.

I know it doesn't pass color contrast, but I feel like it's just so restrictive on my creativity as a designer. I don't like the way this looks, at all.

Fuente: Why Don't Developers Take Accessibility Seriously?

Despite the uptick in website accessibility lawsuits in recent years, many businesses don't take action to make their websites accessible until they face a lawsuit themselves.

Here are five common reasons companies wait until it's too late:

  1. They aren't familiar with accessibility.
  2. They don't know that the law requires accessibility.
  3. They think their website is accessible, but it isn't.
  4. They don't know the value that accessibility provides.
  5. They think they can provide accessible options when asked.

Fuente: Five Reasons Businesses Don't Make Their Websites Accessible Until They're Sued, and Why That Approach Fails

Over the last few months I've spoken to a lot of people about accessibility, and I've heard the same reasons to ignore it over and over again. Let's take a look at the most common excuses:

  1. People with disabilities don't really use the web
  2. We don't want to affect the experience for the majority of our users
  3. We don't have the budget for accessibility
  4. Accessible websites are ugly

Fuente: Why Bother with Accessibility?

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