Universidad de Alicante
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

Accesibilidad Web


Migas de pan

Estás en: Accesibilidad web > Futuro > HTML



Etiquetas nuevas

Cambios de comportamiento

Algunas etiquetas

4.6.1 The a element

The a element may be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists, tables, and so forth, even entire sections, so long as there is no interactive content within (e.g. buttons or other links). This example shows how this can be used to make an entire advertising block into a link.

<aside class="advertising">
  <a href="http://ad.example.com/?adid=1929&amp;pubid=1422">
      <h1>Mellblomatic 9000!</h1>
      <p>Turn all your widgets into mellbloms!</p>
      <p>Only $9.99 plus shipping and handling.</p>

  <a href="http://ad.example.com/?adid=375&amp;pubid=1422">
      <h1>The Mellblom Browser</h1>
      <p>Web browsing at the speed of light.</p>
      <p>No other browser goes faster!</p>

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