Universidad de Alicante
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

Accesibilidad Web


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Estás en: Accesibilidad web > Legislación > Internacional > Australia


En junio de 2010, el Gobierno de Australia anunció la implementación de una nuevas guías para garantizar la accesibilidad de los sitios web web: Government Releases Website Accessibility National Transition Strategy.

Para facilitar la transición a las nuevas guías, se publicó un programa de implementación: Web Accessibility National Transition Strategy. Según este programa, todos los sitios web dependientes del gobierno (federal, estatal y territorial) deben lograr el nivel mínimo A de accesibilidad de WCAG 2.0 para finales de 2012 y el nivel medio doble A para finales de 2014:

WCAG 2.0 is applicable to all online government information and services. Conformance is required on all government websites owned and/or operated by government under any domain. This includes external (public-facing or private) and internal (closed community) sites. That is, conformance is required for all internet, intranet and extranet sites.


Australian governments at all levels have endorsed WCAG 2.0, and require all government websites (federal, state and territory) to meet the new guidelines at the minimum compliance level (Single A) by the end of 2012. In addition, the Australian Government requires all federal websites to meet the medium conformance level (Double A) by the end of 2014.


WCAG 2.0 will be implemented in three phases with explicit timeframes. Depending on the type of web content and when it was created, WCAG 2.0 may or may not be applicable. The three phases and respective timeframes are:

  1. Preparation Phase . July 2010 to December 2010
  2. Transition Phase . January 2011 to December 2011
  3. Implementation Phase . Completed by December 2012 (Single A) and December 2014 (Double A).

All websites and web content created after July 2010 (commencement of Preparation Phase) must meet WCAG 2.0 to at least Single A level by December 2012.

Websites and web content created before July 2010 that will be archived or decommissioned before December 2012 are not required to meet WCAG 2.0.

Similarly, any web content created before July 2010 that is no longer current, but that is still important and/or popular and not yet appropriate for archival, should remain WCAG 1.0 conformant. Where this type of content is not WCAG 1.0 conformant, agencies should upgrade to WCAG 2.0 (as WCAG 1.0 is technically superseded). A content upgrade flowchart is provided to assist agencies with decision making.

Australia ha adoptado la Norma EN 301 549 con la denominación AS EN 301 549:2020.

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