Universidad de Alicante
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

Accesibilidad Web


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Canada, legislación anterior

IMPORTANTE: estas normas han sido sustituidas por las nuevas normas.


El estándar Common Look and Feel (CLF) del Gobierno de Canadá define la forma de nombrado, la usabilidad y la accesibilidad de los sitios web del Gobierno de Canadá.

La versión actual 2.0 de 2007 sustituye a la versión 1.0 de 2000. Cuando entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2007, las organizaciones dispusieron de 2 años para adaptarse a la nueva versión.

Este estándar consta de cuatro partes:

Respecto la parte 2 dedicada a la accesibilidad, se establece que una página será accesible cuando cumpla los puntos de verificación de prioridad 1 y 2 de WCAG 1.0:

1. Compliance with World Wide Web Consortium Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints

The institution respects the universal accessibility guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative by ensuring compliance of its Web sites with the Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG), with the following exception:

Each of the WCAG's fourteen guidelines is accompanied by one or more actions that a page author must perform to meet the requirements of the guidelines. These actions are called "checkpoints".

Institutions must consult the Directive on the Use of Official Languages on Web Sites for direction regarding the application of official languages requirements to text equivalents and other non-textual elements.

El requisito 2. Content page dimensions and layout que sustituye al punto de verificación 3.4 Use relative rather than absolute units in markup language attribute values and style sheet property values define las dimensiones y la maquetación de una página web:

2. Content page dimensions and layout

The institution ensures that content is easy to understand by providing a well-structured layout.

2.1 Page dimensions

The width of the content page, including its header and footer, is set at 760 pixels. In exceptional cases where specific content, including maps, large tables, charts, and graphs cannot adjust by way of wrapping to the standard 760 pixel width or by altering the content and its structure, the content may be extended to the right. When this occurs, site visitors must be informed that the content area is larger than usual.

2.2 Page layout

The content area of all Government of Canada Web pages, other than Welcome Pages and Server Message pages, must be centered in the page and presented in one of three designs: a three-column layout, a two-column layout, or a one-column layout. The specifications for implementation and application of each design are outlined below.

2.2.1 Three-column layout

The institution's primary menu page and all sub site menu pages must apply a three-column layout with the following dimensions: 150 pixels for the left column, 405 pixels for the middle column, and 195 pixels for the right column, with a 5 pixel padding between the columns. The institution has the option of repeating this three-column layout on some or all of its Web pages, but it also has the flexibility to expand the content area by implementing a two-column format on secondary pages.

2.2.2 Two-column layout

Most secondary content pages are well suited to the two-column page layout that allows for left menu navigation and a large area where content is presented. Where implemented, the two column layout must have the following dimensions: 150 pixels for the first column and 605 pixels for the second column, with a 5 pixel padding between the columns, for a total width of 760 pixels.

2.2.3 One-column layout

In exceptional cases, content that cannot be made to fit in the two-column layout by adjusting its format or structure may be displayed in a single-column layout with a total width of 760 pixels.

2.3 Background

All pages must be displayed in the centre of the browser window. The background colour of the 760 pixel wide page must be set as white (#FFFFFF). The institution may apply an optional coloured background using a colour in the Web Smart palette in the open space surrounding the Web page to complement its institutional colour scheme. Images must not be used for the optional background.

2.4 Header structure

As specified by the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Guidelines, conformance to which is required in the Common Look and Feel Standards for the Internet, Part 2: Standard on the Accessibility, Interoperability and Usability of Web Sites, header elements must be used to convey document structure and must be used according to specification. A first level heading must be used for each major document structure within a page, with lower level headings used in sequential order to identify the major sections and to clarify the hierarchical structure. For example, the common menu bar, side menus and content area on main pages all constitute major document structures and so must each have an <h1> tag, with lower level headings used to identify the major sections.

Heading markup must be used to provide appropriate document structure and must not be used solely for the purpose of controlling the appearance of text. The institution may set the appearance of the heading text but the size must correspond to the position in the heading hierarchy, that is the <h1> text is larger than <h2> and so on.

2.5 Font

The default font for text elements in the content area and side menu(s) specified using a Cascading Style Sheet is Verdana. These elements must be presented with foreground and background colour combinations that achieve high contrast when viewed by someone having colour deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen.

2.6 Printer friendly versions

Printer friendly versions of Web pages must include the "Canada" wordmark and the institutional signature at the top of the page as specified in requirement 3 and the content currency indicator at the end of the text as specified in requirement 13.2.

The Federal Identity Program (FIP) governs the use and display of the official symbols of the Government of Canada. FIP requirements and standards ensure the identity of the government is applied consistently across dozens of corporate applications, both internal and external to government.

The content date indicator is important to inform visitors of the currency of the content, especially when it is printed and may be accessed out of context.


La norma Standard on Web Accessibility entró en vigor el 1 de agosto de 2011. Esta norma es de obligado cumplimiento por todas las instituciones citadas en los apartados I, I.I y II de Financial Administration Act y se implementará a lo largo de tres fases hasta el 31 de julio de 2013.

Esta norma sustituye a la anterior norma Common Look and Feel 2.0.

El Gobierno de Canadá ha adoptado WCAG 2.0 como norma de accesibilidad web:

3. Context

3.1 The Web channel is an important part of the Government of Canada's commitment to multi-channel access and service delivery. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that a high level of Web accessibility is applied uniformly across its Web sites.

Web technologies and standards are constantly evolving and Web accessibility plays a major role in making the Government of Canada Web channel more effective and inclusive. To meet the Government of Canada commitment to Web accessibility, the Government of Canada has adopted the WCAG 2.0. The WCAG 2.0 states: "Following these guidelines will make content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users in general."

En el apartado seis se indican los requisitos de accesibilidad y se establece que se debe lograr completamente el nivel AA:

6. Requirements

6.1 Managers, functional specialists, and equivalents responsible for Web content or Web pages are responsible for:

6.1.1 Ensuring each Web page meets all five WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements:

Si no se cumple el requisito de accesibilidad web, el apartado 8 establece unas consecuencias:

8. Consequences

8.1 In instances of non-compliance, deputy heads are responsible for taking corrective measures, within their organization with those responsible for implementing the requirements of this standard.

8.2 Consequences of non-compliance with this standard can include any measure allowed by the Financial Administration Act that the Treasury Board would determine as appropriate and acceptable in the circumstances.

8.3 Potential corrective actions, including consequences, are described in the Framework for the Management of Compliance.

Además, el Gobierno de Canadá también ofrece los siguientes recursos para ayudar a la implementación de la accesibilidad y la usabilidad web:

Estándares, licencia y contacto